Feminism in Romance: Dangerous Books for Girls

Cover of Dangerous Books for Girls, which is black with pink font and a picture of an old fashioned silouette of a girl's head and a pen and sword crossing underneath

Yeah, baby! Romance novels are feminist. At their heart, they are books written by women, about women, for women.

I knew I loved reading romance, and I knew that it made me feel good. I also knew that I didn’t think it was trashy or gave me unrealistic expectations of love and relationships. But, I couldn’t explain why. Now I can.
I write romance and I’m proud of it. But, I rarely know what to say to the detractors who call the genre bodice-rippers. Now I do.
Thanks, Maya Rodale, for putting some facts, figures, and common sense (with a bit of humor because…Real World) to why romance novels are feminist and empowering.


Buy it, buy a copy for your daughter, buy a copy for your wife, buy a copy for that a-hole who has never read a romance but thinks it’s okay to slut-shame the genre and it’s readers.


–Aidy Award